About the Council
Stockton Parish Council meets monthly in Stockton Village Hall, usually on the third Monday of each month commencing 7.15 pm. The first item on the agenda is always an Open Forum at which Parishioners of Stockton are invited to address the Council on any relevant matter for a maximum of three minutes.
We are responsible for street lighting, the playing field/children's playground, mowing the village green and other non-highway verges, maintaining the public footpaths in the Parish, and for managing/maintaining the cemetery.
We are bound by a Code of Conduct set by Government mandate, and we perform regular Risk Assessments to support our decision taking.
We also create and maintain a development plan for the Parish and an Emergency Plan dictating the local response to any major incident affecting the parish.
We are not responsible for planning applications/approvals, car parking/traffic management or local housing allocation/maintenance, but we do have a strong working relationship with the District Planner, the County Highways Authority and the local Housing Associations. Furthermore we do not have any powers or authority to address petty crime or anti-social behaviour in our Parish but we do have strong relationships with the local Police, and are able to report incidents and trends in petty crime or anti-social behaviour through the Safer Neighbourhoods Team.