Refuse Collection and Recycling
Collection day is FRIDAY, and the scheduled programme for the rest of the year is as follows:
6th - Food caddy, Blue, Green and Grey
13th - Food caddy only
20th - Food caddy, Blue and Green
27th - Food caddy, Grey bin
4th - Food caddy, Blue and Green
11th - Food caddy only
18th - Food caddy, Blue, Green and Grey
25th - Food caddy only
1st - Food caddy, Blue and Green
8th - Food caddy, Grey bin
15th - Food caddy, Blue and Green
22nd - Food caddy only
29th - Food caddy, Blue, Green and Grey
6th - Food caddy only
13th - Food caddy, Blue and Green
20th - Food caddy, Grey bin
27th - Food caddy, Blue and Green
In summary, there will be four collections over a three week cycle from August, comprising:
- A food waste collection, every week using a food caddy (a small kitchen caddy for inside the property) and a larger food waste bin to use outside and put out for collection.
- A recycling collection, every two weeks using the blue-lidded wheeled bin for mixed recycling.
- A refuse collection, every three weeks using the existing grey wheeled bin
- Garden waste collection, every two weeks using the existing green wheeled bin.
Stockton HW&RC (tip) is open on each Saturday and Sunday 08.30 - 16.15 until 31st March 2024.
There is a booking system, with appointments becoming available the week before: visit
The booking system is in place to keep site visitors and staff safe.
To allow the maximum number of householders to have access to an essential visit, we are limiting bookings to one per fortnight per household.
You must not visit if you are isolating because you are:
- extremely vulnerable and are remaining at home for shielding purposes
- symptomatic with coronavirus (COVID-19) and under 7-day isolation, or
- in a 14-day household isolation
This service is only for Warwickshire residents, so if you live outside of Warwickshire you will not be able to use it.
We are only accepting waste delivered in cars. Vans, pick-ups, trailers, bikes or walked-ins are not permitted. To book a car with trailer, go to
The opening of the re-use shop will depend on current COVID-19 restrictions. Please check our website for updates by visiting
Please try to reduce your waste as much as you can and fully use your kerbside service.
A visit to the recycling centre will be a different experience because of the booking system and the need for social distancing. The staff will not be able to give physical help with waste. Only one person is allowed out of each car. Therefore you will need to be able to carry all items of waste on your own.
Types of waste
The booking system is for household waste (general household waste or garden waste or recycling).
Trade, business, commercial and DIY waste that you would pay to dispose of can be taken to Princes Drive and Hunters Lane and you do not need to book if you pay by weight at the weighbridge or have a trade recycling permit. (Pay by Card only. A valid waste carriers licence number is needed if you are carrying waste that is not from your own house.)
Waste and recycling must be sorted in advance to reduce waste to landfill and to allow for efficient deposit in the correct container. Recyclable household packaging will not be accepted in the residual waste and should be recycled at the kerbside. Waste in wheelie bins cannot be accepted.
The council will make every effort to make available all recycling streams, however there may be changes to materials and site layout.
Limits on restricted materials will be enforced – 3 bags of rubble or soil.
Contaminated waste (e.g. tissues or face masks) from a household with infection must be quarantined at home for at least 72 hours prior to visit and double bagged.
Your booking
You will choose a specific day to visit and ¼ hour time slot.
The registration of the vehicle delivering waste must match the booking confirmation.
You will receive an email detailing your booking, you can also create a log on for EventBrite to access your booking details.
New slots are released several times a week, so check back if a suitable slot is not currently available.
If you will not attend, please cancel your slot at last 48 hours in advance to make it available to other people. This can be done from the email confirmation.
On the day
Please bring with you the booking information, either on your phone or printed out.
Suitable clothing must be worn – no open toe footwear.
Please wash your hands before leaving home.
Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before your allocated time.
Please ensure you deposit your waste within your 15 minute timeslot.
Traffic management
There will be a meet-and-greet officer near the gate to check booking and provide direction.
Queuing signage and staff instructions must be followed.
Best endeavours will be made for access during your allotted time.
Stay in your car while queuing, with your windows up.
On site
There may be security staff and staff wearing body-worn video-cameras.
Observe the 5 mph speed limit.
Park as directed in allocated bays only, some parking bays will be coned off.
Only one person per car may get out and deposit waste. Parking bays may be a short distance from the skips.
Do not cross or move barriers.
Social distancing of at least 2m between visitors and between visitors and staff must be observed.
Avoid touching surfaces unless absolutely necessary.
Staff cannot give you physical assistance with waste.
If you need advice, call to a member of staff who will come to you.
Do not touch your face. Wash your hands after visiting.
Move around on site with caution, do not be distracted by handheld devices such as phones or cameras.
What next?
You will be sent an email containing the booking details. Check your spam or junk folder.
Please read the rules and what to expect carefully and the information about reducing waste.
Thank you in advance for your patience. Staff are working hard in difficult circumstances to keep sites operating and maintain safe operations. Please treat our staff with respect.
Your information
Your information will be used for the purpose of fulfilling this booking and any subsequent administration required as part of that process.
Anonymised data may be used for management information and statistics to assess the service and measure future provisions. All of your information is processed in accordance with any applicable data protection legislation and regulations.
For full details on how we use, store and share your information, please see the Privacy Notice.
Having difficulty?
If you are having difficulty with your booking, or you have questions about the use of the recycling centres, please contact
Important Information regarding Recycling Collections
For the latest information regarding recycling by Stratford District visit and select the "Recycling" button on the home page.
Any queries you may have - call the "Info Line" on 01789 260616.
In summary, you can now put the following items out as part of the kerbside recycling collection service:
* Unwanted small electrical and electronic equipment
* Textiles
* Household batteries